IO All-In-One Highly Integrated Control System
Integrate I/O and driver, setting all-in-one.
Fitted size reduces the volume of electrical cabinet
Equipped with high-speed M3 serial bus communication thus can easily obtain the information of driver
Highly integrated with AD/DA model.
Equip RS485, VGA, and USB for external facilities to in/output
Stamping Press Arms Special Interface
Built reference point teaching
Support endmost straight line to help correcting position and avoiding obstacles
Provide handheld terminal teaching and dragging teaching

Support Multi-program Compensation

Support path compensation and speed smoothing feature
Support corners smoothing to increase the efficiency of pick and place
Provide straight line directions and circular arc directions
Secondary Development

Provide secondary developing applicant that can customize PLC, HMI, and MACRO
Design your own buttons of handheld terminal
Provide modular developing process to match PLC and HMI for manufacturing process
Handheld Terminal Makes Teaching Easier
Names for special purpose lathe pick-and-place buttons
Brake and safety switch buttons
MPG is loaded to meet the needs