High Performance Controller with Serial Bus Connection Structure
Syntec 21 Series controller comes with Yaskawa serial bus Mechantrolink-ll/Mechatrolink-lll connection motion control, improves machining performance by decreasing interpolation time and increasing surface’s smoothness. Serial bus communication control also improves traditional pulse delay of differentiate transfer time between axis, provides a simpler system and easier to install and setup

High Performance & Better Configuration
21 Series HSHP controller
High resolution Yaskawa axis motor (24bit)
Linear scale (optional)
Syntec high resolution spindle motor package
Supports DD motor (4/5 axis)
Coolant from center (optional)
High speed spindle positioning
High speed rigid tapping
HPCC flexibility and reliability
Tilt Working Plane Machining
For oblique cutting tool or rotating worktable provides correction function to define the tilt machining plane conveniently.